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Race Reports

Recaps of the smelliest and sweatiest days of the year!

Ironman 70.3 Florida

The final notable event of my 30s naturally had to be a triathlon! Just 10 days before Christmas, I jumped into Lake Eva for my *fifth* 70.3 of 2025.

11 min read

Ironman 70.3 Ohio

Not only was it a race weekend, it was the opening weekend for a certain movie sequel I’d been waiting *literally* decades to finally see. 🌪️

11 min read

Ironman 70.3 Iowa

It was a bittersweet race, but I hope my memories from today age like a fine wine. I want to look back fondly on what happened in Des Moines.

13 min read

Ironman 70.3 Chattanooga

My fifth consecutive time racing here! The 2024 edition was going to least until I went tumbling off my bike onto the pavement at the first aid station. 🫠

13 min read

Ironman 70.3 St. George

I kicked off my 2024 race season in Utah. It was my first time getting to experience (and climb!) famous Snow Canyon.

11 min read