Oh hi! I'm Colin. 👋
Growing up, my dreams were pretty clear. I wanted to be a meteorologist. And I wanted to live in my hometown of Atlanta. So it makes perfectly logical sense that I actually ended up becoming a software engineer who lives in Nashville.
I’m currently the Senior Manager of eCommerce Engineering for Carter’s. That’s a fancy sounding title with a lot of words. What it actually means is that my team is responsible for much of Carters.com. Put more simply, I sell tiny pants on the internet for a living.
I graduated from Florida State University in 2008. Ironically enough, all I’ve done professionally is write code. All those meteorology classes I took have been relegated to answering questions from friends whenever severe weather approaches.
I met my wonderful wife, Katy, in 2011. We got married a year later in 2012. It was obvious from the start that she was the one. But finding the right place to call home took a bit longer. Ultimately, that turned out to be Nashville, Tennessee. Yee haw. 🤠🎸

Our wedding day in 2012 and hiking to the top of Mount Le Conte, the highest point in Tennessee, in 2024.
In the mid-2010s, my boss at the time was a triathlete and talked me into trying a race. He said I already knew how to run and ride a bike, so all I needed to learn was how to swim. At the time, my swimming skills consisted of floating in the ocean with a beer in one hand. I thought this race was going to be a one-time thing where I’d have a fun medal to hang on the wall somewhere.
Rather unexpectedly, triathlon became my all-encompassing hobby. I’ve completed 15 Ironman-branded events. (So far!) The two that always stand out are Ironman Chattanooga in 2021 and qualifying to race in the Ironman 70.3 World Championship in Lahti, Finland, in 2023.

While I live in Nashville, I grew up in Atlanta. If you decide to follow me on social media, you’ll get more than your fair share of takes on the Atlanta Braves and Atlanta Falcons.
And if you ever visit Truist Park, the home of the Braves in Atlanta, you can find a brick with Katy and my names on it near the third base gate. Anyone who sends me a selfie with it when they're attending a game always gets their next beer Venmo’d on me!

Katy and I were fortunate enough to be there in person when the Braves won the pennant in 2021. Yes, those are (fake) pearl necklaces. If you don't know, don't ask. 😆
If you’ve read this far, I commend your internet stalking. You should take the next step and follow me on social media! I’m @colinlord on just about every platform. You can find links to my more frequently used platforms in the footer of any page on my site, including just below this paragraph.